Belfast - 6 photo's.

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   photo 4 above courtesy of Mr. Mark Teadham.  photo 5 above courtesy of "Alan", who has sent it on behalf of Mr. S Vallely.

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In photo 5 above we can see HMS Belfast behind her reconaissance "Walrus" as it is setting down whilst at Kola Inlet during 1944.
( it takes off from its parent ship by being "launched" into the air from a Catapult ).
It is hard to realise that this aircraft, with possibly the same aerodynamics as an MFI Wardrobe,
was produced by "Supermarine", the same company that designed the iconic "Spitfire".
It was known with some affection within the RN. as the "Pussers Spitfire", or more colloquially,
and probably with somewhat less affection, as the "Shagbat".
Surviving examples of this aircraft can be seen at the R.N. Aircraft museum at Yeovilton, Somerset,
and also at the R.A.F Museum at Hendon.
There is also one with the R.A.A.F Museum in Australia.

To obtain more information about this aircraft type "Click" HERE to be taken to the RN Fleet Air Arm website.
You can come back to here by using the "BACK" button on your website browser toolbar.  


In photo 6 above she is shown preserved as a museum exhibit at London.
Her guns are elevated to a firing position and their target is, appropriately, a "McDonalds" motorway service station
approx 14 miles out to the Northwest, on the M25.

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